Monday, January 5, 2009

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 years ago tomorrow . . .

Happy 3rd Anniversary, honey!
I love you more every day,

FALL is my favorite season!

St. Joe's Sausage Supper (Charlie's favorite childhood fall activity!)

Family Movie Night

Our kids eat popcorn by the HANDfuls!

Good thing cute little Maisy got outta there before the nightly sibling-tackle began!

See any similarity??? :)

My mom bought this for Horsie . . . she thought, sans the fangs, that it looks like his cute little head!

"Yes! Our plan worked! I knew if we were complete MONSTERS during dinner that they'd give us suckers to shut us up!"

"Cheers to a job well done, sis!" "Aaahhhhh . . . a yummy moment of cheery-flavored bliss" Taylor, double-fisting My mom and I needed a 15-minute break after a hellish dinner out with the kids while Charlie was in Seattle, so we let the kids enjoy their suckers all the way down to the sticks! The staff was probably thinking "Get the HELL out of here with those BRATS!" They may look cute and happy here, but I don't have pre-sucker pictures . . . you'll have to take my word for it . . . it wasn't pretty . . . that's why there aren't pictures of the adults.

On this day, one year ago . . .

Oct. 7, 2008 Oct. 7, 2007

October 2008

Tadda (that's Horsie's current nickname for Taylor, it's catchy, eh?) loves to go lay by Herkie on his bed in their room Taylor was tired and I couldn't get her to smile in this adorable MU cheerleading outfit, but I had to get a shot, even if she wasn't smiling! And here is Horsie, the same day, in his MU football jersey that FINALLY fits him! He got it from "Ant Brooke" when he was just a newborn and I couldn't WAIT for him to wear it! Here he is playing soccer at the Hormberg's. Yummy spaghetti dinner for Anna's 16th birthday!!! Horsie LOVES to play with his cousins Will and Joey! (And they are SO SWEET to him too! It melts my heart!) I guess he takes after me . . . Afterall, I did win the school spelling bee in 5th grade! :)

Daddy and his one-year-old wrestling

Hiking at Queeny, Spet. '08

What's new with us??? Well . . .

We brought ALL of our bottles to the "hos-i-bal" to "give 'em to the babies who NEED 'em." It was a sad day at the Ries home. (Actually, Horsie, our resident humanitarian, was more excited about telling everyone the story about how he, now the big boy, brought his bottles to the babies at the hospital. But poor little Totty, who is too young to understand, had a few rough days . . . well, rough for her, but she is a Libra, so it wasn't too bad for me . . . she is pretty easy.) Daddy built the kids a sandbox in our backyard . . . they love it! He filled it with 16 bags of sand . . . Ries sandboxes run deep. We have the biggest pumpkin in the neighborhood Taylor is walking . . . she took her first steps by herself on Daddy's birthday (Aug. 17), but wouldn't let go of our hands really until the day after her first birthday, even though she had been able to walk for over a month. I guess she realized she was a big girl and didn't need our finger anymore! We are all going to be pirates for Halloween . . . this was taken last weekend at Boo at the Zoo . . . it was fun. I made this hat that Taylor is wearing into a headband though. It covered all of her hair and Charlie didn't like it . . . it's much cuter now!

Taylor and Charlie at 12 months (Sept. '08 and May '07)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This is Taylor just starting to talk--it was last month (she says hi). Now she says "Ut-oh!, bye, that ("dat"), all done (the sign and sometimes "ah-du"), dada and daddy ("da-ee")." She also says Mama and Nana but I don't think she knows what they mean. She loves to wave hi and bye and point--she can point to Daddy, Horsie, Kiki (Herkie), and noses ("Where's my nose?") . . . I say "Where's Mommy?" and she gives me a blank stare! (Thanks, Tot!) . . . oh, and she says "ta-ta" which is what horsie calls her, but I don't think she knows what that means either. She points to everything and says "dat" (that) and loves to drop/throw things and say "Ut-oh!" Also, Horsie and I like to make Herkie howl by saying, "Do you want to see Coco, Porschea, How-wow (Howard)?!" (They are my brother and Jen's dogs--Herk gets all riled up and starts howling and sounds like he is saying "how-wow-wow-wow") so if we say "Coco, Porschea . . ." Taylor will say, "How-wow-wow-wow . . ." to Herkie . . . hilarious . . . I will try to catch it on video.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July (St. Louis)

We had Charlie's whole family in from all over the country for his Grandpa's 90th birthday this weekend . . . such a busy and fun weekend! The girls had matching dresses all weekend, of course, and we took a big family picture in Forest Park (see light blue dresses) . . . I will post the picture of everyone when we get them back from the photographer. Charlie is starting his 2nd week in his new practice . . . he loves it and I can tell it's fun for him to own his own practice after being in school for like 100 years! We are still waiting on our stuff from the movers . . . I bet it will be this Friday . . . I really want to get the kids room set up just like we had it in Vegas so they feel at home. Moving SUCKED . . . so stressful and we were all sick with a cold and Taylor was cutting her 2 top front teeth--ouch for my baby girl and ouch for me while we were trying to move! But we are here in STL now and Horsie is LOVING having a back yard. I think he was inside for 10 seconds all day (and took a 3 hour nap to prove his exhaustion!).

4th of July (St. Louis)